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ParTea Time Tea Infuser – 5 Silicone Tea Strainers. Tea filter for Loose Leaf Tea by J&Z (Red, Pink, Orange, Yellow and Green). Mr. and Mrs. Tea are having a Tea Party!

The March Hare and Hatter, are simply both mad, Famous party-downers, so J&Z suggest instead: Take the pink and yellow ladies And the fellows in orange, green and red Fill in the herbs and deep in their legs Relax in your sits, you and your friends In this Partea no queen tries to “off with your heads!”… All will be your best companion during your tea break. The operation is very simple, just load their silicone pants with loose tea leaves, dip them into cups of hot water, and watch how they are getting relaxed. Fit all standard mugs. Material: Soft silicone rubber Colours: Red, Pink, Orange, Yellow and Green Size: 8.2 x 4.6 x 9.6cm, 3.2″ x 1.8″ x 3.7” Quantity: 5 pieces How to infuse: * Infuse regular teas no less than 3 minutes (to allow the taste to come through), and no more than 5 minutes (Steeping green tea too long will result in a bitter). * Teas generally have different brewing and infusion requirements. * Fill infusers up to half their capacity, to allow the leaves to expand and release their essential oils and to enjoy the tea at its full potential. If the leaves are able to flow freely, we allow for more of the leaves to be in contact with water-and the more contact the leaves have with the water * Remember to match the size of the opening of your cup or tea pot with the size of the infuser. Discover An Amazing Tea Set Infuser Perfect as a gift.