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STK’s Reusable K-Cup 3 Count for Keurig K-Cup Elite and Home Brewer K75, K45, B60, B70, B130, K40, B40, B145, B150, K60, B140, K70, K150, B31, B30, K140, K145, B44, B200, K130, B3000, B50, and B66

STK Reusable K-Cup is compatible with these K-Cup Brewers: Keurig K30, K31, K40, K44, K45, K50, K60, K66, K70, K77, K100, K130, K135, K140, K145, K200, K150, K3000, Keurig B30, B31, B40, B44, B50, B60, B66, B70, B77, B100, B130, B135, B140, B145, B200, B150, B3000, Cuisinart SS-700, SS-780PC, Breville BKC600XL, BKC700XL, Mr. Coffee BVMC-KG1, BVMC-KG2, BVMC-KG5, and BVMC-KG6. SterlingTek advertising images and text are protected by trademarks and copyrights.