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Women’s Bean Project Lovingly Handmade Small Gourmet Basket

This little basket packs a big punch. Green Chili Salsa Mix, Southwest Salsa Mix, Golden Cornbread Mix, Firehouse #10 Chili, Toni’s 10 Bean Soup, and sample sizes of each of our Fair Trade Organic Coffees: Friend’s Blend, Ooh La La! and Mellow Bean Decaf. These products are made by the women at the Women’s Bean Project, a nonprofit social enterprise that offers a transitional job in gourmet food manufacturing designed to provide immediate income, arrange support services to overcome barriers to employment, and teach the job readiness skills needed to get and keep a job. The Women’s Bean Project employs women who come from backgrounds of chronic unemployment and poverty, and helps them develop the work and interpersonal skills needed to function independently in the workplace and community. These tools empower women to create better lives for themselves, provide their families with hope, and contribute to a stronger community.